Politics, open government, and safe streets. And the constant incursion of cycling.

¡Sí, Se Puede! Yes, We Can!

I joined what I expect will be pegged at 50,000+ fellow Americans on the Mall today. I, along with everyone else there, went to stand in opposition to the attack on common sense, American values, and basic human dignity that is H.R. 4437. You’ve almost certainly heard a lot of (mis)information about it, but just in case you haven’t, this is a good start. I agree – our immigration system is most certainly broken – but H.R. 4437 and its relations aim only to smash the system to bits.

Instead of listing out the abominations contained in that bill and proposed by its supporters, I’ll offer something different here: hope. The people – the energy – in the march was amazingly positive. While recent protests such as Operation Ceasefire were full of passionate believers in freedom and decency, there was a palpable sense of futility, of raging against the wind. This? This was very different. I had forgotten what it was like to hear “U.S.A! U.S.A!” chanted with hope, instead of fear and anger. It was the same excitement about America that I heard on a flight so long ago. It was the sound of people thinking that the America we know and love will win this one.

Sí, Se puede. Yes.we.can.


Ka-Bloom? How about a pleasant “pop!”


Outsourcing the Drive Through Window

1 Comment

  1. Nikki G.

    For some reason, my immediate rection to reading this post was to tell you “you’re adorable”. Probably not what you’re looking for, but I’m suddenly filled with an overwhelming desire to pinch your fresh-faced cheeks and ruffle your blond hair. It’s just so endearing!
    YOur chicana friend, Nikki G.

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