So, it turns out that the Bush Administration can’t be bothered to read the mail of convicted and imprisioned terrorists.  It seems that, among other examples:
Three terrorists imprisoned in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing were able to send more than 90 letters to alleged terrorists overseas because U.S. prison officials do not screen all correspondence from the most dangerous inmates as required, according to a report released yesterday.
That’s right, while the Administration and its enablers are howling about the essential importance of listening to your conversations without a warrant, torturing using enhanced interrogation techniques on anyone it feels like, and building backdoors into every communication system it can think of, they haven’t gotten around to covering the basics.
Jesus. Maybe they should hire the California prison employees who seem to “accidentally” open labeled legal mail (i.e., the stuff that they are not supposed to touch) with some regularity.
Except the feds probably can’t afford to hire California prison employees. I could make a lot more money as a correctional officer than I do as a criminal defense lawyer.
Well, it’s all about priorities, isn’t it? And your example illustrates it quite well – pols are much happier to spend more time and effort on retribution than pretty much anything else, including prevention of any sort.