I was all prepared to go for the snark, and then Rawstory reminds me that Mary Cheney and her partner, Heather Poe, live in Virginia. It’s not so funny then, especially for the future child:
Virginia had already set up new Jim Crow laws targeting gays two years ago. Those laws may vitiate any legal agreement between the two, period, about anything. The law ensures that Mary’s partner has no legal rights whatsoever in their child, or in what happens to Mary (or vice versa), such as if one partner has to go the hospital, the other can’t visit. The law may even nullify any wills that Mary and Heather write regarding each other, and it may make it impossible for gay people to go to court to resolve any difference about anything – the courts can’t recognize gay unions, so they can’t make any decisions that would imply recognition (custody, hospital visitation, wills, etc.) It’s beyond ironic that Virginia’s new law, one of the most hateful, bigoted laws on the books, is now targeting the vice president’s own daughter and soon-to-be new grandchild.
I won’t be surprised if they find a nice house in Maryland, sometime soon.