Because I’m just so far behind.

The most important discussion arising from the ridiculousness in Boston: 70s haircuts.

Your local news . . . from Bangalore! (Keep in mind that unless you live in a major metro area, you probably don’t get your “local” news from anywhere reasonably considered local.  So what difference does this really make?)

I’m less than enamoured with the junior senator from New York. I don’t have any problems with Sen. Clinton’s electability, or “divisiveness” or any of the other ridiculous junior high tests people seem to like to talk about. It’s that I simply don’t think that she’s at all committed to anything but herself. Now, that can be said about many politicians, but it shouldn’t be the sole driving force behind all of their decisions. (Hell, even Dick Armey can say he was wrong on Iraq.) All that said, I’d become much more appreciative of her if she’s really serious about this.

Non-disclosure agreements for state legislators? Sounds like a pretty clear breach of Do No Evil, Google. And since I think Robert X. Cringley may well be onto something with his theory that Google’s planning to build datacenters in most states . . . well, we should all be on the lookout.

I’ve added a new link under Media, to the right. It’s, best summed up as a YouTube for thinking people. Check it out.