Politics, open government, and safe streets. And the constant incursion of cycling.

Action: Support the Bicycle Commuters Benefits Act of 2007

Congress is currently considering the Bicycle Commuters Benefits Act of 2007 (S. 858 in the Senate, and H.R. 1498 in the House), which if enacted, would permit employers to extend the same benefits to bicycle commuters that they presently extend to drivers and mass transit users. The League of American Bicyclists explains it:

The [Bicycle Commuters Benefits Act] would extend the transportation fringe benefit, currently available to transit users and car drivers, to bicycle commuters. The legislation would provide a tax benefit to employers who offer cash reimbursements to an employee who commutes by bicycle, while helping defray the costs of commuting for the bicyclist.

This is a great idea, and deserves the bipartisan support it’s getting. It still needs your support to push it to through, though. Please click here for help in writing your Senator and Represenative to urge them to support the bill.


Brzezinski: Terrorized by “War on Terror”


Photos of A380 at Dulles


  1. Megabeth

    Our own James Moran is one of the cosponsors of this bill. Just wrote him to thank him.

  2. Kathy

    blacknell – off topic – but have you seen this web site mapmyrun.com ? I love it!

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