Politics, open government, and safe streets. And the constant incursion of cycling.

It is *so* hard to be a white American Christian male.

Glenn Beck, bless his deprived and underappreciated soul, shares his plight with us:

On the April 2 broadcast of his nationally syndicated radio show, Glenn Beck claimed that “[c]onservatives get no respect” and asserted that he “can’t win” because he is “American[],” “white,” “Christian,” and “conservative.” He said: “[I]f you are a white human that loves America and happens to be a Christian, forget about it, Jack. You are the only one that doesn’t have a political action committee for you.” He also said: “I mean, I was talking about it with my family yesterday. I said, ‘I’m tired of being the least popular person in the world[.]’



It’s not enough, Matthew Dowd.


5, 4, 3 . . .


  1. One of my favorite Ben Fold’s songs “Rockin’ the Suburbs”…

    “Y’all don’t know what it’s like being male, middle class, and white.”

    Of course he’s referring to the awful rock music of the late ’90s but the shoe fits.

  2. TLM

    Ah, I guess having a WMC President and control of the Republican Party is not enough??

  3. Dannyboy

    “‘I’m tired of being the least popular person in the world[.]”

    Then stop f*ckin up, Glenn Beck! It’s people like you that give us WMCs a bad name!

  4. Beck is right, you know. And that isn’t sarcasm.

  5. MB

    Then what is it? Ignorance? Being intentionally obtuse?

  6. Well, now, MB, it’s really hard having control of both houses of the Legislature and the Supreme Court and the presidency. It’s hard having control of almost every state and local government in the country. That’s a lot of work, and does anybody appreciate it?

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