There may have been two pro races in the Arlington/DC area this past weekend, with an impressive undercard of am races, but this race featured the real action – the 2007 Crystal Rides Celebrity Trike Race.
Joe Witte, the Channel 7 meteorologist, appears to be a little confused by the concept . . .
“Look, Barb, I’ve got this locked up.” – Walter Tejada talks trash to fellow Arlington County Board member Barbara Favola
Putting some fear into the competition, DC Divas linebacker Donna “Animal” Wilkinson is maybe a little too pumped. Mitchell Schear, to her right, wonders if perhaps this wasn’t such a good idea after all.
It would all be decided on this stretch of asphalt in gleaming downtown Crystal City.
Birds of Prey – Barbara Favola seems unaware that the mascots of the Washington Wizards and Capitals are eyeing her.
Joe Witte, “avid cyclist” that he is, shows us how it’s not done. (Howard Bernstein, his cross town weatherman rival, does seem suspiciously happy, though.)
And they’re off. (You really need to view it here to get a sense of the competitive glory.)
Arlington County Board member Chris Zimmerman finds his form early (and is desperately trying not to get girled by Donna Wilkinson . . .).
Arlington County Board member Barbara Favola testing out the “slow and steady wins the race” saying. Didn’t really work out so well . . .
Gets ugly, as Mix 106.7 personality Jimmy Alexander eats pavement.
Race winner Walter Tejada enjoying his moment in the sun. This man’s ambition knows no bounds. I understand that he was later heard yelling “In your FACE, Zimmerman! I’m the NEW Arlington, you’re the OLD Arlington!”
I think.
For the sake of the children, I’m not going to talk about what happened next.
A good time had by all. From Left to Right:
Maurisa Turner Potts (Crystal City BID), Mitchell Schear (President, Vornado/Charles E. Smith), Barbara Favola (Arlington County Board Member), Chris Zimmerman (Arlington County Board Member), Walter Tejada (Vice-Chairman, Arlington County Board), Donna “Animal” Wilkinson (Linebacker, DC Divas), Howard Bernstein (Reporter & Meteorologist, Channel 9 News), Joe Witte (Meteorologist, Channel 7 News), G-Wiz (Washington Wizards Mascot), Slapshot Mascot, (Washington Capitals), Major General Robert L. Smolen (Commander, Air Force District of Washington), and half of Jimmy Alexander (MIX 107.3).