Browsing around my usual cycling sites this evening, I came across a link to this old Nike commercial. Watching it – especially the part where the kids rush to the window to wave to the rider as he goes by – reminded me of the highlights of this weekend’s ride out in Berryville. Or of any ride, really.

As much as I enjoy the self-reflection that hours of solo cycling can bring on, or the sheer physical pleasure of a good hard ride, I have to say that many of my best moments on a bike come from those fleeting moments of connection that you get when you wave to a perfect stranger who waves back as you pass by.

On this Sunday’s metric century there were, of course, the kids. Three little girls on a porch who jumped up and down waving as I waved that hand-cupping wave that you use for little kids. Then there was the Duane Allman lookalike who returned the slight extension of my hand as I flew past his trailer. But my favorite one, the one I just happened to catch, was the fellow sitting in a chair near his house a bit off the road through the hollow. Most of us were concentrating on the upcoming climb, and looking straight ahead at the road. I just happened to look over, and noticed this gruff looking (much) older man in a Stetson who looked just as likely to be annoyed with us invaders as anything else. I raised my arm in a speculative wave and much to my surprise, he raised his, too. Even with a bit of a grin, as best I could tell through the trees.