Politics, open government, and safe streets. And the constant incursion of cycling.

Month: September 2007

Travel much? You need one of these.

A device that draws power from the in-flight headphone system to charge most anything by USB:

The Inflight USB Power unit plugs into the passenger seat audio jack and outputs regulated power to the attached USB charging cable/connector.

Whether I can charge something via USB has figured significantly into my tech purchasing decisions over the years, and this quite justifies that approach.  I suspect that if everyone used one of these things, it wouldn’t be too kind to the in-flight entertainment system, but 1) the airlines should be running power to every seat anyway, and this should spur them to that, and 2) have you *seen* the kind of people that populate coach these days? They couldn’t read this post, nevermind order and use one of these.  It’ll be safe to use.

Via BoingBoing, via Lifehacker, etc.

SUV vs. Cyclist, and Officer expresses concern for . . .

the SUV, naturally.

And I’m not talking about this, but the ridiculousness that just occurred at the end of my evening workout yesterday.

As I was heading home on Wilson Blvd. (in Arlington), I had an SUV pretty much try to shove me into a row of parked cars.  As it came over on me, I put my hand on the SUV (which speeds off, natch), and then I hear from the loudspeaker of the cop car behind me, “DO NOT HIT THE CAR IN FRONT OF YOU.”


So I slow up to ask the cop why he’s concerned with me touching the SUV when it’s the ()*@#!@!ng *SUV* that nearly ran me into the cars. Officer NoClue proceeds to tell me that I *invite* that behavior by riding on the right side of the lane, and that if I can’t keep up with the speed limit (ha!) then I should get off the road.  I tell him that he’s full of shit and needs to stop making things up (and what he makes up extends into the absurd, including Wilson Blvd. being a 45mph street – I bet those folks that get speeding tickets on it regularly would love to find that out . . . ).  We argue for a bit (I would have loved a ticket), and he pulls off when the light changes.

I’m drafting and filing an informal complaint that 1) recounts the incident, 2) explains the law (since the officer clearly has no clue) and 3) asks for an apology and an assurance that he now understands the law. If I don’t get #3, we move to a formal complaint, which I’ll make a point of pursuing with vigor.  Arlington is generally a great place for cyclists (and, in my general experience, has an excellent and cyclist-friendly police dept.), and we don’t need cluelessness like this patrolling our streets.

Related: Bike laws of Virginia.  Read them.  Know them.  Live them.  Argue them with cops who like to make things up.

Shenandoah Mountain 100

And these are the top five spots in the 2007 edition of the Shenandoah Mountain 100 – (L to R) Chris Beck, Harlan Price, Jeff Schalk, Floyd Landis, and Gerry Pflug. For the details on the race, check out Sue George’s report at Cycling News. For a better handle on the vibe of the weekend, check out Joel Gwadz (whom you should be reading anyway).  For my view . . . well, you’re going to have to wait for that. The bitterness of someone who didn’t finish takes a while to subside, I’m discovering. A few of my pre and post race photos here.

Floyd Landis (3rd place) congratulates Shenandoah Mountain 100 winner Jeff Schalk (who won by such a wide margin that yes, he did have time to change his shirt . . .).

Photo by MJ. (I couldn’t have possibly taken this, as I was still suffering somewhere waay back on the course . . . ).

Update: don’t miss Harlan Price’s account of his day long battle at the SM100.

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