Politics, open government, and safe streets. And the constant incursion of cycling.

The Company We Keep

Executions, by country, for 2007:

China: 470+
Iran: 317+
Saudi: 143+
Pakistan: 135+
USA: 42
Iraq: 33+
Vietnam: 25+
Yemen: 15+
Afghanistan: 15
Libya: 9+
Japan: 9
Syria: 7+
Sudan: 7+
Bangladesh: 6
Somalia: 5+
Equatorial Guinea: 3
Singapore: 2
Kuwait: 1+
Indonesia: 1+
Botswana: 1+
Belarus: 1+
Ethiopia: 1

“+” after a number indicates that the figure is a minimum one. The true figure is at least the figure shown. For example, “47+” means that there were at least 47 executions in 2007.


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1 Comment

  1. Peej

    Iran’s is definitely the number quoted “plus”, after the increase in persecution of Bahais again, last year. Of course, even that’s not counting the number of unofficial executions, i.e. ‘unsolved murders’ that just happen to be those of dissidents and minorities.

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