Politics, open government, and safe streets. And the constant incursion of cycling.


I’ve got to admit – it’s been a while since I’ve followed Supreme Court cases for the sake of themselves.  For the most part, my interest with the Supreme Court has been limited to FCC-related issues (and the occasional 4th Amendment case).  So I’ve not been on the law blogs for years.  But this DC v. Heller case has interested me for a while, and I’ve been edging back into the law blogs (believe me, this will not turn into one).  I’m *really* impressed by Scotusblog, which seems to be a joint project between the lawyers at Akin Gump and Howe & Russell.  It’s easy to read, well laid out, and everything you want to know is right there.  I know it’s a bit of a late recommendation, given that this is the last day of the term, but if you ever get interested in a case pending before the Supreme Court, go to Scotusblog.

(I’m following the “live blog” there right now, and they’ve got a little survey going on, asking who the viewership is, in real time.  95% are there because of Heller.   (Oh, look. Davis v. FEC was reversed and remanded – there goes the Millionaire Amendment, for the moment)  18% are lawyers.  16% are law students.  65% are NRA members.  27% own 2 or more guns.  Fascinating stuff.)


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1 Comment

  1. I love Scotusblog. I got in the habit of reading it when my own cert petition was pending, because it is updated much faster than the court’s website, but I still read it daily.

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