Politics, open government, and safe streets. And the constant incursion of cycling.

Month: June 2008

On Obama

I think Atrios captures what I have to say (for now) pretty well.

Considering LBJ: The Last Real Progressive President?

Interesting discussion starting off over at Vivian Paige’s place.  Check it out.

2008 CSC Invitational Men’s Pro Photos

The men’s race photos are finally up.  You can catch some of them with a write up that I’ve done for PodiumCafe here, or you can get them as a captioned slideshow here.

(And if you’re coming here later by Google, you can find the women’s race here, and the kids ride here (really, it’s worth it).)

Reston Sprint Triathlon Photos

Played support crew for a racer in the Reston Sprint Triathlon (way too) early on Sunday. Shot a few frames between the active parts. Here’s a raw stream, in case you’re interested.

(I’m always torn on posting things like this. It’s a bit lazy on my part – I’ve put zero effort into editing or post-processing – and part of me prefers to maintain an illusion that I don’t take crap photos. On the other hand, lots of folks are happy to see themselves in any form. I figure that, on balance it’s a good thing,  as posting like this gives them the raw material to get a good shot of themselves in action without much effort on my part.)

2008 CSC Invitational: Women’s Pro Race Photos

I managed to miss the start of the women’s pro race at this past weekend’s CSC Invitational, so I’m not a very good source on what went on. I think I’m fairly safe in summarizing it as dominated – and ultimately won – by an early breakaway consisting of Cheerwine’s Catherine Cheatley, ValueAct Capital’s Lara Kroepsch, and Colavita-Sutter Home’s Andrea Dvorak. For details, check out Podium In Sight or Cyclingnews.com. For my best shots of this race (with a small bit of commentary), check out this gallery.

A modified version has been posted at PodiumCafe.com

2008 CSC Invitational Kids Ride

As promised, here’s the raw stream of shots of the kids ride at the 2008 CSC Invitational.  The photos are all free for the taking under a Creative Commons non-commercial attribution license.  The best of the bunch, with captions, are here.

Union Station + Photography + Security Guard = Hilariousness

A little while back, I pointed out the ridiculous behavior of the “security” guards at Union Station with regard to photography. It’s not just me that has a problem with it, and it turns out that a local news station has been looking into it. So they went to Union Station to interview an Amtrak spokesman on camera. And just as he was explaining that there were no restrictions on photography in Union Station . . . click here to watch what happened next.

Can’t make this up, folks.

One More Step to GOP Success: Karaoke with Pat Boone!

New VA GOP Chairman Jeff Frederick’s 100 Day Plan (PDF) to save the VA GOP from itself was issued this morning.  It’s the usual pablum most political public “plans” are made up of – but this part caught my attention:

These events will be creative, such as concert/dance venues and socials for younger Republicans with maybe a top east coast club DJ, to a karaoke session for seniors with Pat Boone, to a lecture and workshop with Newt Gingrich[.]

Man.  How can the Democrats compete with that?  It’s over, guys.  Dems might has well give up now.

2008 CSC Invitational Photos

Today’s CSC Invitational was fantastic, and I’ve got a slew of photos from the pro races AND the kids’ “race.” Check back here for links to them late Monday. In the mean time, here’s my coverage for Podium Cafe.

Team Type 1’s Valeriy Kobzarenko checks his six

Women’s Pro Podium

Rock Racing’s Big Guns

Slipstream’s Magnus Backstedt and Tyler Farrar

Men’s Pro Finish

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