Had another theme lined up, but this dust-up over crackers had me thinking about Ritz crackers, when then leads to:
the producer of which is also responsible for:
If you haven’t seen that before, give it a minute to get rolling. The payoff is worth it.
But really? I’m just tired, today:
Will make up for the missed Midweek Makeover tomorrow (you didn’t miss it, did you? Didn’t think so.)
I thought maybe the pressure of following up last week’s Midweek Makeover might have gotten to you, so I politely refrained from saying anything!
Well, there was definitely that. But there was also great annoyance with embedded players.
And now the reference to Ritz crackers (especially followed by the Inquisition piece) made me think immediately of this:
‘Course, now I’ve come over a wee bit peckish myself.
fifteen is my limit on schnitzengruben