Politics, open government, and safe streets. And the constant incursion of cycling.

Dr. Horrible, Pt. II

Part II is up.

What’s this about? Oh, it’s about so many things, but I’ll let a nice and respectable paper summarize it for the uninitiated:

“Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog” is the creation of Joss Whedon, one of the best-known scribes in Hollywood, thanks to his long filmography of genre-bending TV hits: “Buffy the Vampire Slayer,””Firefly” (which inspired the film “Serenity”), “Angel” and the upcoming Fox series “Dollhouse.”

[ . . . ]

The series stars Neil Patrick Harris (“How I Met Your Mother”) as Dr. Horrible, a wannabe mad scientist who blogs about his unrealized dreams for world domination and his refused entry into to “Evil League of Evil.” For example, he’s working with a vocal coach on his maniacal laugh.

He’s an evildoer who’s just not very good at doing evil.

Plus, he sings.

Really. Check it out.


Midweek Makeover: Tomorrow, Wendy


Screw America

1 Comment

  1. That is good stuff – thanks for passing the word.

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