Here’s an interesting analysis of Google’s approach to privacy.  The author, Scott Cleland, summarizes his testimony before Congress thusly:

Why Google’s the single biggest threat to Americans’ privacy today.

Case Study: How Google Systematically Threatens Americans’ Privacy:
1. Google’s radical “publicacy” mission is antithetical to privacy.
2. Privacy is not a priority in Google’s culture.
3. Google gives privacy “lip service.”
4. Google threatens the privacy of more people than most any other
5. Google collects/stores the most potential “blackmail-able”
6. Google’s track record does not inspire trust.

Information is power. Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts
absolutely. Google’s market power over private information is corrupting
Google, just like former FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover was corrupted by
his power and mastery of personally-sensitive information. Google’s
unprecedented arbitrage of privacy law combined with its exceptional
lack of accountability is fast creating this era’s privacy-invading,
unaccountable equivalent: “J. Edgar Google.”

More on this from me later, but I wanted to pass it on lest it get lost in the ever growing Draft Posts folder . . .