Politics, open government, and safe streets. And the constant incursion of cycling.

10:15/Saturday Night: Just a Girl (at the Olympics)

The Olympic women’s road race starts off at 2a EDT tonight (Sunday, actually).  In honor of that, here are some of my favorite tracks from women’s races I’ve hit in the past couple of years.

Tori Amos – Cornflake Girl


The Racontours – Steady, As She Goes


No Doubt – Just a Girl



Bernie Mac Deserved a Television Show


Just Walk On By


  1. Peej

    Oh, just what I needed: get sucked into watching more cycling. (see e-mail).

  2. Peej

    To quote the kid, “That was aMAZE-in'”. I caught the beginning live but watched the rest later.
    Also, loved the PodiumCafe live threads–thanks for the heads up!

  3. MB

    If you caught the beginning live, I’m even more shamed about my inability to show up (esp. after inviting you to the party). Set the alarm, heard it, hit snooze with the best of intentions, and then . . .

    That was a great race, though. Crazy that Cooke was able to pull it off, having given the gap at 500m to go.

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