Politics, open government, and safe streets. And the constant incursion of cycling.

Beijing Olympics: Track Racing

I know, I talked the road races up, but completely let you (okay, two of you) down on the heads up for the Olympic Time Trial events.  Which is a shame, because the women’s time trials ended up in an impressive victory for the US’s Kristin Armstrong, and the men’s time trials ended up in a photo that is universally judged (in some communities, anyway) to be sheer hotness.

So, while I have to admit to not understanding how track racing works at all, I’m going to try and follow the track racing tomorrow, and encourage you to do the same.  This is the schedule for tomorrow:







Men’s Team Sprint Qualifying

8/15/08 4:30 PM

8/15/08 4:30 AM

8/15/08 3:30 AM

8/15/08 2:30 AM

8/15/08 1:30 AM

Men’s Ind. Pursuit Qualifying

8/15/08 4:55 PM

8/15/08 4:55 AM

8/15/08 3:55 AM

8/15/08 2:55 AM

8/15/08 1:55 AM

Men’s Team Sprint First Round

8/15/08 5:45 PM

8/15/08 5:45 AM

8/15/08 4:45 AM

8/15/08 3:45 AM

8/15/08 2:45 AM

Women’s Ind. Pursuit Qualifying

8/15/08 6:00 PM

8/15/08 6:00 AM

8/15/08 5:00 AM

8/15/08 4:00 AM

8/15/08 3:00 AM

Men’s Team Sprint Finals

8/15/08 6:40 PM

8/15/08 6:40 AM

8/15/08 5:40 AM

8/15/08 4:40 AM

8/15/08 3:40 AM

Men’s Team Sprint Finals 3-4

8/15/08 6:40 PM

8/15/08 6:40 AM

8/15/08 5:40 AM

8/15/08 4:40 AM

8/15/08 3:40 AM

Men’s Team Sprint Finals 1-2

8/15/08 6:45 PM

8/15/08 6:45 AM

8/15/08 5:45 AM

8/15/08 4:45 AM

8/15/08 3:45 AM

The complete schedule (from which I lifted the above – you didn’t think I’d do that much work on my own, did you?) is available at PodiumCafe.com.  A fellow PodiumCafe contributor has an excellent preview of the day’s racing here.  And if you’re looking for a more personal take on the subject, head over to Mike May’s GamJams.net, where US Olympic track racer Bobby Lea (most recently famous as the US cyclist who wore a mask getting off the plane in Beijing and made everyone else act a fool as a result) is writing up his experience.


I Want to Believe: Flat Earthers


Overnight Music: Who’s Gonna Save My Soul?

1 Comment

  1. Peej

    Shoot. I was actually up at 4:00AM this morning, but had to be on the road by 4:30. (Taking a break now, and will back again on the road in about 15 mins.) Looks like the best I can hope for at this point is catching a couple of the finals on USA network, maybe…oh, and following any threads over at PodiumCafe.

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