Certainly are a bitter and defensively angry bunch, aren’t they?
(Mostly, it’s just amusing as a show. But Mitt’s call for holy war, and the ensuing roar was a little disturbing, I have to say.)
(Did Rudy just say that “This is no time for on-the-job training”? Really?)
To review: kids aren’t props, until they are.
(Ack. Did not plan to make this a live blog. Otherwise you’d be hearing all about how creepy it is that Todd Palin can’t seem to hold his own kid.)
Palin, angling for the beanie baby vote.
Mom’s up on stage, the 6/7 year old is plucking the baby’s eyes out. Where you at, dad?
It’s easy to manage a state swimming in cash (makes you wonder why they had to keep coming to DC to ask for money, though).
Does that “energy independence” come with honesty? No? Drill here, sell here? Does that work for you? No? Huh.
(is this really the convention that was mocking someone for being tacky? have we seen these crowd shots?)
Speaking of the death tax – something interesting about Sarah Palin will be the fact that she almost certainly isn’t as rich as the circles she’s just been thrust into.
In Minnesota? It’s called the DFL. You’d know that – if, you know – you got out more.
I watch this, and I try to contemplate what it must be like inside the head of the folks yelling and cheering here. I think it’s a pretty fearful place.
A journey of personal discovery? You’re about to discover just how far out of your depth you are.
The do get points for getting under my skin with this mocking of “community organizer” thing. Community organizers exist, you self serving fucks, because people like you can’t be bothered to do anything for anyone but yourselves.
Vote Tracy Flick ’08!!!!!!111one111!!!!
Final (stolen) observation: Palin said that the difference between a hockey mom and pitbull is lipstick. I say that applying lipstick to a pig still leaves you with a pig.
(Okay, one more. Don’t know who, but someone on MSNBC just observed (without irony) that Palin didn’t talk about reproductive rights, because the men took care of it already.
“She’s the most popular governer…”
I thought the popular vote didn’t count?!
It does when you’re running for the PTA.
(Did Alaska just steal the Liberty Bell?)
Vivian J. Paige
Yep ;)
[I’m an idiot. Nevermind. And I can even draw the Alaskan flag from memory.]
Vivian J. Paige
I’m watching on CSPAN so no talking heads. I’m providing my own commentary :)
CSPAN is absolutely the way to do it.
(I have to admit that this is so compelling that I have a chat window open, and we just discussed the connection between The Wire and the new 90210)
Vivian J. Paige
I’ve got a Twitter window open.
Compelling, absolutely.
Todd Palin can hold his own kid…he sure can. But only when he’s about to be introduced to the crowd. Then, when the applause was over, the baby is promptly passed to their youngest girl to hold.
Vivian J. Paige
I saw Cindy McCain holding him earlier.
And yet he still has his soul.
Wait. If we drill in Alaska, and Alaska secedes, does that mean the US is still not relying on foreign oil?
Hah, I made the same comment about the baby.
Plus, I guess the baby was handy as a clapper when his wife was being introduced, but once that was over, he didn’t need to hold him anymore.
Vivian J. Paige
I don’t recall the Democrats being this snarky. Is it my imagination?
Oh Lord. Not sure how much more of this I can watch.
Vivian, that’s not snark. That’s good old fashioned ‘small town’ ribbing. You ‘cosmpolitans’ with your thin skins….
No, V. Seriously, as an objective matter, the RNC just absolutely *dropped* the DNC in the mocking olympics.
Vivian J. Paige
Ah, I see. If it comes from a D it’s snark, but if it comes from an R, is ribbing.
I also want to point out that prior to the Cindy to Todd prop, er, baby hand off, I clearly say Cindy say, “Do you want to hold him.” Todd’s response was clearly a “No.”
No. If it comes from a D, it’s bitterness and fear and offlimits. Duh.
Oh. Did y’all know that McCain was a POW?
I had no idea!
They couldn’t find a fellow POW from Scranton?
Vivian J. Paige
That was painful
Underwhelmed. Both from the “imagine I’m one of them” perspective, and from my own (more genuine) trainwreck perspective.
Still really creepy body language between him and her (don’t touch me!).
Vivian J. Paige
Creepy. McCain just hugged Palin.
Vivian J. Paige
Uh oh – we had the same thought at the same time. Scary
But now Tweety is talking, and while I will suffer Palin for the sake of being informed, I can’t extend that into suffering him.
Really enjoyed everyone stopping by, though.
Vivian J. Paige
But, but, but – it ain’t over! They gotta sing the National Anthem first.;)
I *really* hope they paid that guy on the left enough.
Vivian J. Paige
That’s Cowboy Troy. Everybody knows that ;)
Watching the interviews, it occurs to me that half of tonight’s speakers were elected to represent exactly the kind of people they were attacking tonight. Mitt and Rudy, going after coastal elites and getting applause?
No, no stupid people here.
We all need to make a living, I guess . . .
But seeing that he’s affiliated with Big & Rich, I was so looking forward to Larry Craig coming out to “Save a Horse, Ride a Cowboy” . . .
In the post interviews, Rudy like he is visibly choking on each word he has to say in favor of Palin.
Hah. Someone just called him Rudith. Payback for his ‘Barama’?
If I had only known there was a live blog going on here … thought the speech was horrible. Listening to CNN. I have no idea what they are talking about.
Vivian J. Paige
You mean y’all aren’t watching the roll call? Don’t you want to know who they are going to nominate?
Speaking of Ride a Horse, how bout that John Kyl?
I want to know who The Others are with the 5 votes.
Vivian J. Paige
Yeah, me, too. And is everyone going to pass until they get back all the way around to Arizona again?
You people and your comments are keeping me up. Stop it.
They’re for the RON PAUL RELOVEUTION. Duh.
Don’t miss the Ron-voy!
Vivian J. Paige
Did y’all just see the VA delegation?
Vivian J. Paige
OMG – they are going all the way back through the roll call for all the states that passed.
I’m going to bed/
Mark Brooks
I had no idea I was missing the party over here.
I was amazed that the screech didn’t peel the paint here.
And I thought *I* was sarcastic.
No, I was too busy still laughing over NJ’s comment about the “beautiful state of NJ.”
Hey, hey. Hasn’t there been enough attacking tonight? Let’s be clear … the Garden State is off limits.
Vivian J. Paige
Mitt Romney just got 2 votes from Utah (I think)
(No I didn’t go to bed yet)
Or else we’re all gonna get whacked.
Vivian J. Paige
Bob McDonnell spoke on behalf of the VA delegation (did y’all know McCain went to HS in VA?) and cast all 63 votes for McCain.
Yes, at the rough and tumble Episcopal High School in Alexandria. (Had to walk past its gates on the way to see Obama at the T.C. Williams High School, earlier this year).
Mike New Jersey’s only off limits because of those overreaching gov’t regulations regarding toxic waste, I heard.
(yes, I tried to leave, but for some unknown reason, sleep has not come easily . . .)
Mike, I live in the Garden State by choice. Some of my best friends are from the Garden State.
MB, apparently the AP is running a comment (tomorrow?) very much like yours above about kids and props.
Rachel Maddow’s looks at Pat Buchanon as he talks are priceless.