Politics, open government, and safe streets. And the constant incursion of cycling.

Welcome Back, Freewheeling Spirit

Freewheeling Spirit, the semi-personal blog of the author of the most excellent Bikes for the Rest of Us (seriously, see this entry on the Flying Pigeon), has returned.   And he does it in grand style, stepping back to consider DC’s just-finished Summer of Bicycle Love.   I really hope the answer to his ultimate question is no.

(We’re just going to skip over the issue of the picture of the batty looking old girl that turns out to be the queen of someplaceoranother).


Midweek Makeover: Assuming Control Edition


McCain: Zapatero, Zapatista . . .

1 Comment

  1. Thanks!!!

    One correction: credit for the flying pigeon post goes to Bikes for the Rest of Us co-contributor David.

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