For the vanishingly small number of people who wanted to go to the Arlington Civic Federation candidate forum but couldn’t make it*, I’m making my recording of the Congressional candidates available. Here it is as a podcast (AAC format, with chapter markers showing speakers, questions, candidate urls, etc). And here it is, as a straight MP3.
Roughly, you can find the introductions of Ron Fisher (Independent Green Candidate), Mark Ellmore (Republican Candidate), and Jim Moran (Incumbent Democrat), at 3:40, and 6:52, and 10:01 respectively. There were really no fireworks, but I know at least a few of you will be interested to hear Ellmore (at 9:32) tell us that he is in favor of pulling US troops out of Iraq immediately (c.f., uh, everything he said about the subject in the primary). Closing statements, from Fisher, Moran, and Ellmore, can be found at 38:04, 40:12, and 42:16, respectively.
I also recorded the County Board candidates, and may post that later. I also started to record the School Board race, but I managed to throw my recorder on the ground about half way through. Since this election is a mere formality for both of those candidates (boooo), I’ll not bother (except to say that if I ever need a spokesman, I’ll try to hire Libby Garvey. She’s good.)
*I wonder if that’s a larger group of people than those who didn’t want to go, but made it anyway?
Update: And for sitting there for (at least) two hours taking notes, this is the best coverage that the Arlington Sun Gazette can come up with. Seriously, it would be more helpful to just send that paper straight to a recycling station.
Update II: Oh, wait, here’s more “reporting” from the Sun Gazette.