is Election Day. I’m doing what I can in Lynchburg, Virginia, and don’t expect I’ll be online until we all know how it turned out (it will not be a late night). Interested in NoVA coverage? Check out Blueweeds. Virginia coverage? Vivian Paige (who will be sitting in the fancy chairs at NPR). National coverage? TalkingPointsMemo.
I’d really like to hear about your voting experience in comments. I won’t be around to see it right away, but I bet other readers will find it interesting.
See you on the other side. We’re gonna do this, people. We really are.
Have a good day, Mark! guppy just got done voting – a 45 minute wait, with a growing line out the door, in our little town, and she got there 10 minutes before the polls opened. I can’t get in line until I do the daycare dropoff, and have warned my students that class might be cancelled if I’m not through the line in 2.5 hours. (In 2004, this precinct had waits about 5-6 hours long starting pretty early in the day.)
I voted last Friday, still I waited almost an hour. In Utah there are a lot of republicans but as I observed people voting it seemed like it took them a good long time. (As opposed to selecting the party ticket.) I had studied all the issues and candidates beforehand so I knew how I was going to vote.
When I selected the checkbox for Obama Biden I got very choked up. It was such an historic moment to be casting this ballot I could not help the few tears that escaped.
I was just at the grocery store. There were people cheering in the aisles.
I live in a college town. The kidz are happy :-)
I obviously didn’t vote myself, but I went with a friend as she voted in the lower east side. At 6am there was already a decent line. Moved relatively quickly and the crowd was festive and entertaining. I think it was about 45 minutes. The voting machines were not working by 6:15 and she cast a paper ballot. Another friend reported that she voted at the same station at 9:30am and the machines were both working and there was no wait then.
Thanks, all. My own ballot-casting took place last Friday, and was a three-hour tour of the local gov’t center.
As to Election Day, I found myself in Bedford County/Lynchburg, VA (aka Jerry Falwell country). Line out the door when the polls opened, super busy until late morning, then sporadic surges until mid afternoon. After that? Next to nothing. (I did get one person hysterically accusing me of suppressing Republican voters (it was amusing for the first 15 minutes). )
Looks like Arlington topped the margin count for Obama, with 72%+ of pushing the button/filling in the square for him.