Politics, open government, and safe streets. And the constant incursion of cycling.

Delivering on Hope

There remain many things to be said about the politics that resulted in yesterday’s massive vote for change.  And I’ll get to them.  But taking everything in is leaving me rather circumspect, at the moment.  Further, I’m very much looking forward to spending less time on politics, and more time on governing.  We placed an enormous amount of hope on Barack Obama last night, and now it’s time to make sure he delivers.  His election was not an end in and of itself.  It is – if we all do our part – a means to a better country and a better world.


Thank You, America


Prop 8


  1. there’s already a chink in my hope, given CA’s embracing of bigotry.

    the idea that a state constitutional amendment doesn’t need a super majority is also disturbing.

  2. Speaking of all doing our part: thank you for the work you’ve done in helping to make our voting system slightly more functional. And for keeping me slightly better informed via this website.

  3. MB

    We *all* did it. All of us.

    (CA Prop 8? Fixed, no later than 2010. I apologize in advance for the next two years, boys and girls.)

  4. jen

    Yes, I do think the Supremes will overturn state bans on gay marriage. Just a matter of time. I don’t see how it isn’t a straight-up equal protection/due process issue, built on the race and gender discrimination case law. But the time isn’t yet.

    I’m very happy with the Democratic sweep. But it’s hard to get too giddy with everyday’s news showing so many deepening crises of various sorts.

  5. MB

    just a matter of time.

    If we’re talking about the US Sup Ct, I fear that matter of time is a matter of decades, at best. The fix here (in CA) will come from the same place that produced the problem – the ballot box.

  6. jen

    The ballot box, I dunno. Maybe.

    Hmm, I tend to think the Supreme Court to rule on it, not tomorrow, by any means, but not in the hazy far-off future either. Uh, somewhere in the middle.

    But eh, what do I know. I wish some of those people who voted yes knew some of my friends, who thanks to the yes votes, are no longer married.

  7. Hey, that’s a familiar looking sign!

    Glad you got home OK, and I am sure you got plenty to write about over there.

  8. I agree that Prop 8 will be overturned by the voters. We need more old people to die and more young people to turn 18, based on the exit polls. Maybe not next year, but I think 2010 is a good estimate.

    I was feeling pretty awful yesterday but I think this can be done. We are almost there.

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