Politics, open government, and safe streets. And the constant incursion of cycling.



(The answer certainly isn’t here)


Republican Party of Virginia: Political Party or Party Entertainment?


With God On Our Side, 2008 Version


  1. Because no good deed goes unpunished, Virginia.

  2. MB

    Apparently not.

    Funny thing is, I bet my political position checklist lines up with McAuliffe’s more than either of the existing Dem candidates (Creigh Deeds and Brian Moran). But that’s overwhelmed by the giant check next to the “asshat” box at the end.

    Can’t he find some other way to work out his (32nd?) midlife crisis?

  3. I have a great story about Terry that I have to tell you over a drink. you’re buying :-)

  4. MB

    Amit, you piker. Anything that involves the name Terry McAuliffe and “buy” should involve *McAuliffe* doing the buying.

  5. well let’s just say the last time I had drinks with him I didn’t pay for them so now its your turn to pay.

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