“Faith” in Action By MB On November 16, 2008 In Society, Virginia Part 2,344,267. Why aren’t we taxing these scams, again? Previous 10:15/Saturday Night: When It All Goes South Next Reason Magazine on Tor Books 1 Comment Mark Brooks These folks are too extreme even for the Assemblies of God. That is really saying something. Calvary sounds like a mini-Oral Roberts University/ministry situation. I can’t wait for the IRS findings in their investigation of tax status for ‘churches’ like this. Teh hypocrisy, it hurts! November 16, 2008
Mark Brooks
These folks are too extreme even for the Assemblies of God. That is really saying something.
Calvary sounds like a mini-Oral Roberts University/ministry situation.
I can’t wait for the IRS findings in their investigation of tax status for ‘churches’ like this.
Teh hypocrisy, it hurts!