Dept. of Things You’d Rather Not Know By MB On November 17, 2008 In Music, Personal, Society Sigh. Previous Moving the Bar: Military Budget Games Next Democratic Disappointment Starts Early 1 Comment Megabeth Dang. That interview is wrong on so many levels. I can get past the sitting down and talking over carrot soup. But, proselytizing door-to-door? Whoa. I might have to get rid of my crush on that strange little man. (But, he does know how to create some great music.) November 17, 2008
Dang. That interview is wrong on so many levels. I can get past the sitting down and talking over carrot soup. But, proselytizing door-to-door? Whoa.
I might have to get rid of my crush on that strange little man. (But, he does know how to create some great music.)