Politics, open government, and safe streets. And the constant incursion of cycling.

Just Ignoring Illinois, For Now

You know, this should be a perfect time to be a Democrat.  Solid electoral victories, a promising presidency ahead, etc.  But, as Democrats are wont to do, there’s someone spoiling it for everyone else.  Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich is an assclown of the highest order and seems to be committed to taking the Ted Stevens path out of power, swinging and swearing all the way to the chopping block.  Blagojevich’s little appointment trick today was fairly clever, tho’, essentially using the rule of law to give everyone the finger on the way down.  His pick, Roland Burris, strikes me as an entirely decent fellow who is probably a good choice.  Except for the part where Mr. Burris accepted an appointment from such an obviously corrupt figure.  That he would willingly take the spoils from such an obviously corrupt process makes me wary.  I’m even more skeptical, however, of this Really Bad Idea of the Senate rejecting the appointment.  I’m not interested in the Senate deciding who gets to be a part of their club.  A complete mess, and everyone looks an idiot.  Hopefully, that covers it for now.


Feeling the Veil: A Reader Response


DC Bike Rack Design Competition (This Means You!)


  1. so if you were in Burris’s shoes you would turn down the nomination? I don’t think I would.

  2. MB

    I was thinking about that. If I thought I had/wanted a future in statewide politics, I don’t think I would. That isn’t to say that the calculations aren’t different for someone who is 71 and generally has a lifetime of performance behind him. But with the stench of the governor, and pretty much everyone else in the country saying that you shouldn’t be appointed . . .

  3. MB

    I’m taking back my neutral-to-positive assessment of Burris. Anyone who can do this needs some seriously skeptical examination. WTF?

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