Politics, open government, and safe streets. And the constant incursion of cycling.

Month: December 2008 Page 3 of 9

Weekend Music: Gimme a Beat Edition

There used to be a carnival that would come to town every year.  It was the usual ripoff and con game, but it was fun fun fun.  This despite the fact that all of the rides played pretty much the same three songs.  Any one them takes me right back, spinning fast.





From XKCD.

Did the Kid Get a Bike for Christmas?

Please make sure it fits.  I’m sitting at my desk right now, looking out at two kids with brand new bikes circling around the park behind my house.  The boy’s bike fits perfectly, and he’s zooming around with a big smile.  The girl’s bike is very poorly adjusted, and she’s having a hard time getting moving.  All they need to do is raise the seat for her.  I wish I knew them (or could find a parent), so I could go out and offer a bit of help.

Midweek Makeover: Go Tell It Edition

I told someone earlier today that I wasn’t going to do this.  Changed my mind, because I’m unreliable like that.  The first is just an example of the traditional approach to the Go Tell It On the Mountain standard.


This?  Well . . .


And now a chaser:


You’re welcome.

The Vatican Called. It Wants Galileo Back.

Oh, that the man himself could know about this:

The Vatican is recasting the most famous victim of its Inquisition as a man of faith, just in time for the 400th anniversary of Galileo’s telescope and the U.N.-designated International Year of Astronomy next year.

[ . . .  ]

It’s quite a reversal of fortune for Galileo Galilei (1564-1642), who made the first complete astronomical telescope and used it to gather evidence that the Earth revolved around the sun. Church teaching at the time placed Earth at the center of the universe.

The church denounced Galileo’s theory as dangerous to the faith, but Galileo defied its warnings. Tried as a heretic in 1633 and forced to recant, he was sentenced to life imprisonment, later changed to house arrest.

What is it they want to do?

In May, several Vatican officials will participate in an international conference to re-examine the Galileo affair, and top Vatican officials are now saying Galileo should be named the “patron” of the dialogue between faith and reason.

Irony is alive and well in Rome, I see.


Bike Corridors to the Inauguration? Get On It, DC

Washcycle’s got a great idea:

But biking into the city is just not something everyone will do. Many people lack the experience to know how to go. Others lack the confidence to deal with the traffic.

What if bike-only routes were established? This would allow people to find a way (by following the route) that doesn’t scare them. There are many people who are confident enough to ride in BikeDC, but not confident enough to ride the 50 States Ride or even on Bike to Work Day.

I’d certainly pitch in.  C’mon, WABA, get Fenty to move on this.

A Christmas Message . . .

from Polly Toynbee (and many, many more):

“There’s probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life”.

Merry Christmas.

DC’s Water Skiing Santa: Wed @ 1pm

Even though I’ve been here for more than half of the 23 years they’ve apparently been doing this, I only heard about the Water Skiing Santa this past weekend.  If you’re around the waterfront in Old Town tomorrow at 1pm, give the Potomac a look.  (The site advertises National Harbor as the *new* best viewing spot.  National Harbor better quit stealing things from us.)

“I Want It Now!”

The Richmond Democrat makes an excellent connection between Veruca Salt and Virginia Republicans.

(I should admit some ambivalence about this.  My own Veruca Salt impressions are not exactly unknown, amongst my friends.)

Vivian Paige on McAuliffe

Vivian Paige has an interesting take on her meeting with Terry McAuliffe.  Any time Vivian shares an opinion about a Virginia Democrat, I listen.  So should you, if you’re interested in Virginia politics.  She’s thoughtful, measured, and very in tune with the Commonwealth.

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