Politics, open government, and safe streets. And the constant incursion of cycling.

Wonderful Folks

A friend passed this along yesterday, and every time I watch it, I like it more.  It’s Amanda Palmer‘s Runs in the Family, and what you’re seeing is a terribly well done fanvid for it.

I think it pairs well with a video clip that Amanda Palmer herself posted on her site a few days ago.  It’s of Bill Hicks (personally dear to me for his “looks like we’ve got ourselves a reader!” line) talking about what he wants to hear, in front of an audience that doesn’t really seem to get it:






Good Summary of the Employee Free Choice Act


  1. Dear Mark –

    This will act as official written notice of your removal from our babysitter list.

    best of luck,

    mike (at Blueweeds)

  2. MB

    Crap. Now I have to get a real job.


    I still get to take them to the next Gogol Bordello show, right? I’m pretty sure that was in the original agreement.

  3. Karen

    You can babysit my kid anytime.

    (He’s been asking for history lessons instead of bedtime stories. Last night’s bedtime history lesson was about Prohibition and how it led to the rise of the mob.)

  4. MB

    Whew. Job situation sorted!


    Now picturing Bedtime Stories with Howard Zinn . . .

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