Politics, open government, and safe streets. And the constant incursion of cycling.

2008 National Racing Calendar In Review

Lyne Lamoureux, author of the excellent Podium In Sight blog covering the US domestic pro cycling scene, put together a photo video of her coverage of last year’s NRC races.   When I think of Lyne’s work, it’s usually great interviews and analysis that comes to mind, but this reminds me that she’s also a good photographer.


If Sens. Feinstein and Rockefeller Don’t Like


TSA and Jet Blue Pay for Stupidity


  1. Thank you.

  2. MB

    You do really great work, Lyne. One day a cycling mag is going to snatch you up and accidentally improve its coverage.

  3. ha ha
    unfortunately (or fortunately?) I don’t fit the narrow hiring requirements for most of the mags. I have never raced my bike.

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