Politics, open government, and safe streets. And the constant incursion of cycling.

Leno Nails It

I can’t believe that I’m quoting Jay Leno, but this bit from a recent monologue involving the Senate not seating Burris is perfect:

“Actually, it looks like Roland Burris will get his Senate seat, but Senate leaders said not until his certificate is signed by the Illinois secretary of state. They say this has been the rule since 1884. They’ve never, ever wavered from this. Of course, over the past eight years, they’ve waived rules against, y’know, torture and spying on Americans and violating the Constitution, but never the little signature.”



Lessig on Colbert


10:15/Saturday Night: Windy Hill Road Edition


  1. I often have similar thoughts when I’m watching Leno. I find myself so often thinking how funny it is, (or perhaps sad) that the most honest news commentary is coming from a comedian on late night television.

  2. the worst was when Fox News tried to make a Stewart/Colbert type show for their network and it was so awful it made me feel bad for Murdoch. for about 0.0002 seconds


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