Politics, open government, and safe streets. And the constant incursion of cycling.

Sympathetic Coverage of Outsourcing in Our Future?

Now that things are hitting a little closer to home for newspapers, maybe we’ll get some real journalism on the impact of outsourcing on American jobs:

On Wednesday, the Sun-Times Media Group, at a meeting in the Sun-Times led by CEO Cyrus Freidheim Jr., told their unions they needed to cut their overall wage and benefit packages by 7 percent; they asked the unions to come up with ways to do it.

[ . . . ]

Sure to be on the agenda too is an idea the company floated Friday afternoon at the Sun-Times. It’s to eliminate 25 to 30 jobs — about a fifth of the editorial jobs remaining at that paper — by outsourcing the copy editing and layout functions, possibly to India.

[ . . . ]

The Sun-Times Media Group would have to be in terrible shape to consider such an idea. To turn copy over to editors on the other side of the world whose idiomatic English is so different is to guarantee constant aggravation and frustration, not to mention published howlers.

They must mean different published howlers.


GOP: White and Smug


Class/Air Warfare

1 Comment

  1. Steve

    Nearshoring that you control:


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