Well, of course there are. Just ask ex Executive Director Dusty Foggo, soon to be settling down for a 37 month stint. Plenty more there, though, if this is any indication:
New documents show the CIA destroyed nearly 100 tapes of terror interrogations, far more than has previously been acknowledged.
[ . . . ]
“The CIA can now identify the number of videotapes that were destroyed,” said the letter by Acting U.S. Attorney Lev Dassin. “Ninety two videotapes were destroyed.”
This isn’t something we ought just pass over.
Funny (and not in a good way) and much like a kid putting a “dent” in the car, and once you go outside you see the whole side is caved in.
Just a couple tapes they said. I think it’s hard to confuse a couple with a hundred, but maybe that’s just me.
Not related, but a good animated explanation