Politics, open government, and safe streets. And the constant incursion of cycling.

Friday Notes: Lite Edition

The first daffodil of the season opened up, this morning:


Came across this nifty little Philip Greenspun article on tourists as photo subjects.  If you’ve ever stood in a crowd of people waiting to get a fanny-pack free shot of a landmark, you’ll probably enjoy it.


Harder. Better. Faster. Stronger.


Really enjoyed Annie Kevan’s All The Presidents Girls, a collection of watercolors of the mistresses of US presidents.  When you’re done with that, click on “Paintings” and then “Boys”.


My Life With Cables.


Also rather clever – Replacing World Landmarks with Cheap Souvenirs.


Friday AM Music: So Fresh, So Clean


Friday Music, PM Edition


  1. Peej

    If you are a fan of silent movies, and stars like Jobyna Ralston, Louise Brooks, etc., the Annie Kevans’ ‘Vamps and Innocents’ collection off that site is also worth checking out (thanks for the link.)


    By the way, the idaft machine link should come with a warning: do not play in front of or show children four and under, who then will repeat it, non-stop. (Possibly, some people over four may also get caught up in it. Just possibly.)

  2. The first daffodil of the season opened up, this morning

    Really? Mine opened a couple of weeks ago and are already dying off.

  3. MB

    Yup. With a couple of notable exceptions, it’s remained very cold up here. There really is a climate zone’s difference between us. At least one.

  4. All the more reason to live down here :)

  5. Joy

    You have daffodils already?

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