Politics, open government, and safe streets. And the constant incursion of cycling.

Middle Class Democracy

A short FP article worth reading:

For years, political theorists have argued that developing a healthy middle class is the key to any country’s democratization. To paraphrase the late political scientist Samuel Huntington: Economic growth and industrialization usually lead to the creation of a middle class. As its members become wealthier and more educated, the middle class turns increasingly vocal, demanding more rights to protect its economic gains.

But over the past decade, the antidemocratic behavior of the middle class in many countries has threatened to undermine this conventional wisdom. Although many developing countries have created trappings of democracy, such as regular elections, they often failed to build strong institutions, including independent courts, impartial election monitoring, and a truly free press and civil society.

The middle class’s newfound disdain for democracy is counterintuitive. After all, as political and economic freedoms increase, its members often prosper because they are allowed more freedom to do business. But, paradoxically, as democracy gets stronger and the middle class grows richer, it can realize it has more to lose than gain from a real enfranchisement of society.

I don’t have enough understanding of all of the situations it gives as examples to endorse it, but this thesis certainly fits with those situations where I do feel like I’ve got a solid grasp. Here’s an exercise for the reader: apply this thesis to America.


Weekend Music


Godspeed, Yehuda Moon


  1. I don’t think we even have a middle class anymore.

  2. MB

    It’s there, I think. But the burn rate on it is quite something.

  3. Pure Saul Alinsky.

  4. MB

    I’d ask you to go on, James, but I fear it will be kinda pointless. You mean it as an insult, I assume?

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