Andrew Sullivan pretty much sums it up for me. And let me preempt the number 1 bullshit reply that I’ve heard from so many apologists – the anger isn’t about big legislative changes (e.g., ending DOMA), it’s about him not taking actions within his immediate power (e.g., stopping the enforcement of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell). Yes, some things take time. Some things. Not all.
Very good summary.
Can’t say that I expected much from Obama on this anyway. And you know this year would have been the year to do it, before mid-terms.
(warning apoligist comment, hah)
Okay, ok ok, some of it is easy as a pen stroke, but how many things do you want him to take a beating on at one time, besides the war, economy and health care!
Clinton didn’t have much going on by comparison.
I’m still taking him on his word, and that he is on his own political timeline. It’s an excuse, and you may think it’s a bad one, but I accept it for now.
… I say at least give him 2 months post health care bill signing (let’s hope), and then I’m on board if nothing is happening.
The country was in a lot different place when Clinton was elected. And he was busy too. Plus, Clinton won with only a plurality. We can thank one (of many) crazed Texas billionaire for that. Ahh, memories!
The other thing is, I don’t really know how motivated the social conservative wing are on these other issues, but they’ve proven (at least in California) that they can mount a formidable (and winning in that case) attack if they are awakened (assuming they might be somewhat indifferent or undecided on some other main issues).
To use a military analogy, fighting on too many fronts is often a bad idea.
I know — it’s still a big EXCUSE.
You fight for too long on [the same] one or two fronts only, while the rest continue to get raped and pillaged, then when you finally get around to the others, there’s barely anything left. So, as you note, not just a big excuse, but a terrible one, if that’s his line of thinking.
(IANAMP but I figured I’d extend your analogy,anyway!)
There’s no political fight to be had with immediately ceasing discharges under DADT. Stop loss order. The end.
GOP wants to bitch in public? Fine. Ask them why they’re attacking active duty soldiers. And then, while the process for legislative repeal moves forward, point to the World Failing to End because of the open service of all in the military.
Nyah nyah nyah. I think. I stand by my timeline assumptions (for what it’s worth). Thee has not abadoned thou, or whatever, you know.
” President Barack Obama on Wednesday signed the first major piece of federal gay rights legislation, a milestone that activists compared to the passage of 1960s civil-rights legislation empowering blacks.
The new law adds acts of violence against gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people to the list of federal hate crimes. Gay-rights activists voiced hope that the Obama administration would advance more issues, including legislation to bar workplace discrimination, allow military service and recognize same-sex marriages.”
Bzzt. I know there are folks who will strenuously disagree with me (and having been reminded about James Byrd and Matthew Shepard today, I can understand that), but hate crimes legislation is empty symbolism. (I’m not a fan of it in general.) Further, it took zero political bravery with the current Congress.
Amen, MB!
Okay, some credit for this. But just a tiny bit.