Politics, open government, and safe streets. And the constant incursion of cycling.

Jim Moran Is Right

Moran’s not exactly my favorite congressman, but he’s quite right on this:

“I mean, if the Republicans were running in Afghanistan, they’d be running on the Taliban ticket as far as I can see,” Moran declared.

Republicans don’t like it?  Then stop putting hateful religious nutcases on your tickets.


The Richest Country On Earth


The Man Who Opened the Gate


  1. LFS

    That’s got to be the stupidest thing you have ever said.

  2. MB

    You’re welcome to apply for a refund.

  3. I voted on Thursday, taking advantage of early voting.

    I voted for Creigh Deeds, not because he is a Democrat, but because Mr. Deeds has a long record of standing-up for the Virginia working man.

    Bob McDonnell has never lifted a finger (except perhaps his middle one) for the workers here in Virginia.

    Calling the opposition Hitler, or Taliban is counterproductive, especially when there are so many real issues where the Democratic candidates have a superior position.

    For example, if voter knew that Mr. McDonnell plans to put tolls on existing roads, he would never have won his Party’s nomination. Instead of attacking that point, all we heard about was his damned thesis written at Pat Robertson’s diploma mill.

    I wrote in my own name for the down-ticket slots since the candidates on both sides were anti-civil libertarians. I encourage you to write in a name when the candidates suck. It is a great way to send the message: “None of the Above.”

  4. That’s a great quote… and completely true. Too bad Moran’s brother wasn’t on the ballot today.

  5. LFS

    Ah… admiring a quote about intolerance from a guy who use to beat his wife and has had several domestic disturbance police interventions since. You “progressives”… what crevasses of duality will you explore next?

  6. MB

    I thought we’d gone over this before, LFS, but if you’re going to troll here, you have to be funny and/or smart. Please respect the rules. Thanks.

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