Politics, open government, and safe streets. And the constant incursion of cycling.

Month: November 2009 Page 3 of 4

20 Years

So much possibility.

For Future Reference

For future reference, here is the list of Democrats who voted “Aye” on the Stupak-Pitts Amendment.

AL-2 Bright, Bobby; AL- 5 Griffith, Parker; AL-7 Davis, Artur; AR-1 Berry, Robert; AR-2 Snyder, Victor; AR-4 AR-4 Ross, Mike; CA-18 Cardoza, Dennis; CA-20 Costa, Jim; CA-43 Baca, Joe; CO-3 Salazar, John.

GA-2 Bishop, Sanford; GA-8 Marshall, James; GA-12 Barrow, John; KY-6 Chandler, Ben; IL-3 Lipinski, Daniel; IL-12 Costello, Jerry; IN-2 Donnelly, Joe; IN-8 Ellsworth, Brad; IN-9 Hill, Baron; LA-3 Melancon, Charles; ME-2 Michaud, Michael.

MA-2 Neal, Richard; MA-9 Lynch, Stephen; MI-5 Kildee, Dale; MI-1 Stupak, Bart; MN-7 Peterson, Collin; MN-8 Oberstar, James; MS-1 Childers, Travis; MS-4 Taylor, Gene; MO-4 Skelton, Ike; NM-2 Teague, Harry

NC-2 Etheridge, Bob; NC-7 McIntyre, Mike; NC-11 Shuler, Heath; ND Pomeroy, Earl; OH-1 Driehaus, Steve; OH-6 Wilson, Charles;  OH-9 Kaptur, Marcy; OH-16 Boccieri, John; OH-17 Ryan, Timothy; OH-18 Space, Zachary.

OK-2 Boren, Dan; PA-3 Dahlkemper, Kathleen; PA-4 Altmire, Jason; PA-10 Carney, Christopher; PA-11 Kanjorski, Paul; PA-12 Murtha, John; PA-14 Doyle, Michael; PA-17 Holden, Tim; RI-2 Langevin, James

SC-5 Spratt, John; TN-4 Davis, Lincoln; TN-5 Cooper, Jim; TN-6 Gordon, Barton; TN-8 Tanner, John; TX-16 Reyes, Silvestre; TX-23 Rodriguez, Ciro; TX-27 Ortiz, Solomon; TX-28 Cuellar, Henry.

UT-2 Matheson, Jim; VA-5 Perriello, Thomas; WV-1 Mollohan, Alan; WV-3 Rahall, Nick; WI-7 Obey, David.

And the 26 Democrats who not only voted “Aye” on Stupak but “Nay” on the final bill:

Altmire, Barrow, Boccieri, Boren, Bright, Chandler, Childers, Davis (AL), Davis (TN), Gordon (TN), Griffith, Holden, Marshall, Matheson, McIntyre, Melancon, Peterson, Ross, Shuler, Skelton, Tanner, Taylor, Teague

I’m looking forward to this group leading us forward into a glorious new approach to governing, providing me with the chance to opt out of funding executions, torture, and fruit loop religious projects


A year or two ago, I put a link to Gwadzilla in the right bar under “Community”.  It’s good to see that the mainstream press is catching up.

(It’s funny.  While we’ve got a fair number of friends in common and a city we most certainly share, we’ve only chatted a few times in person.  Yet I’m quite sure that Gwadzilla is my kind of people.)

And the NRA Wonders Why People Think They’re Nuts . . .


The National Rifle Association is pushing legislation to ban adoption agencies from asking potential parents if they have guns and ammunition in the home.

NRA lobbyist Marion Hammer said adoption agencies are violating gun-owners’ rights by asking about firearms in an adoption form. She said any request about gun ownership from an agency connected with government was tantamount to establishing a gun registry.

Next up, the American Chemical Society objects to questions about poisons, and the National Matchmakers Association stands up for the right of parents to bear books of matches in their toddlers’ rooms.

Midweek Makeover: Moving It Up for PS22 Edition

This is the work of the fifth grade chorus at PS22 on Staten Island.




Go ahead, click on that link up top.  Give yourself some time.

You Asked For It, Virginia!


The Man Who Opened the Gate

We’re coming up on the 20 year anniversary of the Wall coming down.   Roger Cohen’s got a video about a man who helped make that happen without bloodshed.

Jim Moran Is Right

Moran’s not exactly my favorite congressman, but he’s quite right on this:

“I mean, if the Republicans were running in Afghanistan, they’d be running on the Taliban ticket as far as I can see,” Moran declared.

Republicans don’t like it?  Then stop putting hateful religious nutcases on your tickets.

The Richest Country On Earth

Atrios cites a rather amazing metric:

Nearly half of all U.S. children and 90 percent of black youngsters will be on food stamps at some point during childhood, and fallout from the current recession could push those numbers even higher, researchers say.

All a bunch of lazy parents and welfare bums, right?  Well, every time I hear about food stamps, I think about the first place I ever saw them- standing in line at the commissary on a US Army base:

Military members and their families are using more food stamps than in previous years – redeeming them last year at nearly twice the civilian rate, according to Defense Commissary Agency figures.

The agency reports that more than $31 million worth of food stamps were used at commissaries nationwide in 2008 – an increase of about $6.2 million, or more than 25 percent – from the $24.8 million redeemed in 2007. That contrasts with a 13 percent overall increase in food stamp use by Americans for the same period, according to the Department of Agriculture, which administers the food stamp program.

Meanwhile, Congress is dumping half a billion dollars into a jet fighter engine the Pentagon doesn’t even want.

Everybody Wants To Be A Victim

Waldo points us to this interesting MeFi question, which seems to indicate that just about every town in America developed an urban legend revolving around the claim that they were #2 on the Soviet nuke target list.

My favorite answer:

The real answer is that everybody was probably correct. US policy was to have enough weapons to bomb every Soviet city and town several times over; the Soviet policy was probably similar. First wave takes out Washington (Command), major hub cities (Control and Communication), and any crucial intelligence gathering/analysis sites (Intelligence). Second wave (which is really kind of wave 1A) takes out immediate war-fighting capability such as military bases, third wave takes out everything else as does the fourth wave and the fifth wave. Sixth, seventh, and eighth waves pound the rubble (or ruble). Ninth wave is to satisfy that anal-retentive general in the Supply Corps.

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