Politics, open government, and safe streets. And the constant incursion of cycling.

DC Cyclist Killed (Updated)

A woman on a bike was killed last night when a National Guard truck ran over her while moving to block an intersection on 12th St.  Washcycle has a bit of a coverage roundup, though details are still emerging.   There is, apparently, video of what happened, so I am hopeful that we can figure out exactly what happened and how to avoid it in the future.

Update from DCist, who identifies the deceased as Constance Holden, and has a statement from her employer, Science magazine:

Holden, 68, a veteran journalist and painter affectionately known to friends and colleagues as “Tancy,” apparently had just left the AAAS headquarters building on her bicycle around 6:00 p.m. Monday, 12 April when she was struck and killed by a truck providing support for the Nuclear Security Summit taking place in downtown Washington, D.C.

Holden had joined the staff of Science magazine in 1970. She was an award-winning reporter, highly regarded for her comprehensive coverage of the biological and genetic bases for human behavior. In addition to writing news features for four decades about social science, and particularly psychology, she had long edited the journal’s weekly “Random Samples” page, a compendium of newsworthy scientific developments. …

Holden was a highly accomplished artist whose oil paintings have regularly appeared on the walls of AAAS.

Alan I. Leshner, chief executive officer of AAAS and executive publisher of Science informed staff early Tuesday, noting that Holden “was held in very high esteem and with great affection by both those people with whom she worked and our readers. This is a terrible loss both personally and professionally for so many on our staff who knew her well.”

Colin Norman, news editor for Science, said: “She was a unique personality and a wonderful reporter, and a great colleague. She will be deeply missed.”


Critical Mass Lahore!


Anything Else While You’re At It, Gov?


  1. Warren

    Very sad. My prayers go out to her family.

  2. Our cycling team (www.bluesuitpacers.org) will be hosting the National Ride of Silence in May in downtown DC; we would like to contact Constance Holden’s family to obtain persmission to wear her picture on our jersey sleeves & to possibly have family & friends address the participants. This annual event is held every 3rd Wednesday evening of May to commemorate cyclists who have been killed or injured as a result of an altercation with a motor vehcile–the Pacers team would be honored to do this event in honor of Constance & other DC area cyclists…

    B.L. Lawrence
    Director, Blue Suit Pacers

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