File this in the Photos I Wish I’d Taken folder.
Speaking of photos, the kids over at BoingBoing are having fun with the Iranian missile ‘shop job (and surely I can’t be the only person who wondered if it was Cheney’s office doing the ‘shopping, there?). My favorite is the “AT&T More Bars in More Places” one.
Tim Wu wonders why the answering machine was suppressed for 45 years:
Bell’s engineers had an answering machine invented by 1935.  However it wasn’t until 1980 or so that answering machines became widely available – why?
Interestingly, according to a great paper by Mark Clark that I came across recentlt, internal memos show that Bell was afraid that if there existed recording devices, people would stop using telephones.
Susan Crawford finds a nifty bit of analysis on what it means to be a common carrier.
I’m a huge fan of the Creative Commons project. I release most of my photos at Flickr under a CC license (and lots of people and organizations have found use for them). If you’re interested in contributing to a study of the Creative Commons license as it applies to photography, take a few minutes and complete this survey.