Politics, open government, and safe streets. And the constant incursion of cycling.

No, Really, the Palin Kid is Pregnant

This time for real.

Just . . .

sigh.  Good luck to the kid.


Refusal to Deal with Reality: A Core Republican Value?


Code City: Getting Public Law Out From Behind Private Walls


  1. Man, I don’t even know what to say. Can we get around to redfining “family values” yet?

  2. Why do we need to redefine anything? All have fallen short. It doesn’t mean you cast the standard aside and opt for a more lax one.

  3. I was referring not to actual family values, but to “family values” as a politically useful shorthand catch phrase. Though maybe you were too, in which case I expect we’re probably working from different sets of standards.

  4. bethie

    Yeah, and her old man has an old DWI from 1984 on his record as well. Ah well, Laura’s didn’t hurt George, so it should be OK for McCain.

  5. Remember, this crowd does not really care if anyone is healthy, happy, and living within the tenets of their claimed religion; they only want the appearance that this is the case.

    Looks matter more than substance.
    Saying they love Jesus excuses them from trying to emulate his life.
    Depriving all of our children rational education about their own bodies guarantees a never-ending supply of ignorant kids to manipulate.

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