Politics, open government, and safe streets. And the constant incursion of cycling.

Rep. Lynn Westmoreland’s Continuing Racist Lies

Ah, seems that good ol’ Lynn wants us to believe that his calling Obama “uppity” was pure and innocent:

“I’ve never heard that term used in a racially derogatory sense. It is important to note that the dictionary definition of ‘uppity’ is ‘affecting an air of inflated self-esteem —- snobbish.’ That’s what we meant by uppity when we used it in the mill village where I grew up.”

Lynn, you lying sack of shit.  Where did you grow up again?  Oh, right.  It says Atlanta, right there in your biography.  And where did you live for 25 years?  Fayette County?  The same place where my first day after transferring to Fayette County High School, the girl assigned to show me around pointed to the steps and said, “That’s where the niggers hang out”?  Sure.  You’ve never ever heard “uppity” used in a racially derogatory sense, you cracker.


Blacknell.net Statement for Immediate Release:

I’ve never heard the term “cracker” used in a racially derogatory sense. It is important to note that the dictionary definition of ‘cracker’ is ‘a dry thin crispy baked bread product that may be leavened or unleavened’ That’s what we meant by cracker when we used it in the kitchen where I grew up


Matthew Scully: Back in the Box!


The Database State: France Gets In On The Competition


  1. Some days I just want to kiss you right on the mouth.

  2. HAHAHA!!!! right on!!!!

  3. Jimbo

    Gambling? In Casablanca? I’m shocked…

  4. Mike@Blueweeds

    Perfect poetry.

  5. MB

    Why thank you, Beth. I must warn you, though, that I’ve been told I have a dirty mouth on me.

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