Amusingly, the littlest one in NoVA, Falls Church, has it handled. Blueweeds has the details. More background about the opening shots here. Short version:
As word spread today in the normally docile downstate community about Mayor Norris’ throwdown voter turnout challenge to the people of Falls Church City, the Charlottesville natives have reacted, well, let us just say poorly, to the sudden head rush of competition.
The local Charlottesville blog has chronicled the reaction. The self-described “hippy trippy liberals with STDs” of Charlottesville are now vowing to “bitch slap” Falls Church and to use our gift of a much beloved sassafras tree as a toothbrush before consuming it in the form of ecstasy.
Oh my.
Notoriously competitive, and a New Jersey native, Falls Church Mayor Robin Gardner was asked to comment on the escalating developments.
“Bitch slap? Did they really say bitch slap?'” asked one of only two female mayors in Northern Virgina. “Oh, this is not so good. Not good at all. Somebody may have to take a cab.”
Charlottesville is clearly struggling under the pressure of coming within 20 percentage points of our highest-in-the-Commonwealth voter turnout numbers.
(My theory on this little outburst is that they’re just clamoring for attention, hoping that NoVA will annex them as a protectorate when we finally decide we’ve had enough of Virginia and secede.)
Appreciate you having my back. The cvillains should be very concerned.
Tuffy McFucklebee
Ok, maybe if it came to a tickle fight or flower pruning competition, Falls Church would clean house. But this time around, get ready for us to get C-Evil on you.
“C-Evil”? Are we supposed to feel threatened by third-rate evil, Mr. McFucklebee (if that *is* your real name)? Really? I mean, you know we can see the Capitol from our houses, right?
Mr. Jefferson
I’d be more concerned if a real town challenged us. But instead, it’s just cute little old Falls Church.
As I said at Blueweeds: I scoff at your Falls, and your Church.
FAIL. There IS no falls! Out of town sucker.
Tuffy McFucklebee
That’s what happens when you live in a town settled by DC castaways that insisted on marrying their cousins.
Does somebody from C-ville REALLY want to get into a family tree dispute?
Paging Sally Hemmings …
Tuffy McFucklebee
Please. Modern genetics has only proven that Sally Hemmings have TJ a tuggy and that’s it. Case closed.
Only the esteemed TJ could have a tuggy so good it grew legs, moved into his house, did his laundry, moved to Europe and shot itself in paris at the age of 43.
Tuffy McFucklebee
I’m glad we’re all on the same page then. You FChu guys and gals are aaaaallllllright.