Politics, open government, and safe streets. And the constant incursion of cycling.

Brother’s Gonna Work It Out

Surely I am not the only one who wants to prod and taunt the fear mongers?  The Obama’s a Scary! Black!! Muslim!!! Socialist!!!! crowd have been so ridiculous on their face that it’s never really moved me to engage them.  It’s like arguing with a moon-landing conspiracy theorist.  The only value in engaging with them is going to be entertainment value.  But it’s kind of mean spirited, so you really ought not to.   So I’ll just allow myself this 1990 effort from Public Enemy (putting aside more tempting tracks from Paris or X-Clan):


Some of you may remember the context of this video.  Virginia Beach, 1989.  Tis a long way between there and here.


Last Minute Volunteering & Needs in Arlington Co.


Sullivan on Obama


  1. I’m pretty sure Drew can perform this one verbatim, including the Flava Flave moves. Love the PE.

  2. bethie

    I thought Drew could perform almost anything verbatim. :-)

  3. Drew

    In the immortal words of Chuch D – “Get your shit correct.”

    I can do almost all of this verbatim. Flav is a hard one to nail down :-)

    Man am I happy this morning. You can feel the change in the air.

  4. MB

    People are smiling. Everywhere. DC? It’s *alllll* ours, again. I won’t have to give the White House the finger every time I roll by it, come January.

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