Wednesday was for finally getting some sleep. Thursday was for tracking down all the things I’ve left undone of late. And today is for actually getting them done (or getting started on that, anyway). So things have been a little light. If you want to see a lot of what I *would* have been writing about, if I’d have been more adept at multi-tasking, check out my friend Karen’s posts from the past few days.
Love this photo. Everybody wins.
With the defeat of Carol Schwartz, the DC city council is now a Republican-Free Zone. Good job screwing yourselves with Patrick Mara, guys. And it wasn’t just the GOP that got screwed here – it was DC. Schwartz was a positive influence on the council, and now she’s gone.
Good video report of the Obamalleycat I was involved with last Saturday.
Question 2 passed in Maryland, adding slot machines to specific locations around the state. The state will now be balancing (well, attempting to) its budget on the backs of its poorest citizens.  I’m theoretically in favor of legalized gambling, but the practical impact in the communities in which it is concentrated is stomach-turning. Good luck, Maryland.
Atrios pointed to this WaPo story about a black couple that worked in the White House over three decades, starting in the Truman Administration. It’s not just a personal interest piece, but a good review of history. And, as Atrios asks, stick with it until the end.
Vegan Soul Power has an interesting guest post about eating on the road with the Obama campaign.
Marijuana-friendly ballot iniatives across the country nearly run the board. Interesting.
Krugman spoke the truth, here:
What I mean by that is that for the past 14 years America’s political life has been largely dominated by, well, monsters. Monsters like Tom DeLay, who suggested that the shootings at Columbine happened because schools teach students the theory of evolution. Monsters like Karl Rove, who declared that liberals wanted to offer “therapy and understanding” to terrorists. Monsters like Dick Cheney, who saw 9/11 as an opportunity to start torturing people.
And in our national discourse, we pretended that these monsters were reasonable, respectable people. To point out that the monsters were, in fact, monsters, was “shrill.”
We’re not through with them, either.
I’m only half kidding when I say that I’d contribute to a Palin ’12 effort, but Adam Bonin thinks that a Palin ’16 effort is something to keep in mind.
Is Charlie Crist still engaged?
Tom Perriello’s actually going to win, isn’t he? I never would have thought that would happen. How sweet it is to be wrong.