Politics, open government, and safe streets. And the constant incursion of cycling.

Holding Obama to His Word

Looks like the ACLU is on the job, planning to run a full page ad in the New York Times reminding everyone of Obama’s promise to shut down the Guantanamo Bay prision system.  There are years upon years of damage inflicted by the Bush Administration that an Obama Administration will have to carefully unravel.  Much of that will take time and care to ensure that good work isn’t destroyed, and other parts will take money that simply doesn’t exist right now.  Shutting down Guantanamo, however, is rather simple and should occur almost immediately.  There will be no shortage of politicians who will urge Obama to keep it open, and will find excuses to delay the shutdown.   It’s good to see the ACLU step out in front with a reminder of a promise that Obama can make good on right away.


Remembrance Sunday


Miriam Makeba Passes


  1. Ender

    This story indicates that Obama has started the ball rolling on this. http://www.time.com/time/politics/article/0,8599,1857866,00.html

    If this is the only thing he accomplishes, his record will already be better than Bush’s.

  2. MB

    Good to see that. This is not a complicated problem, as much as some would like to try and make it one. Bring them here, try them in Article III courts, and punish those convicted.

    And yes, you’re quite right in your last sentence. But that’s a bar I hope we never have to seriously use.

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