Bob Dylan’s With God On Our Side recently reentered my regular music rotation when Vivian Paige linked to this thoughtful piece on the election – and peculiar reception, by some – of Barack Obama.   So, of course, it was that song that immediately came to mind today when Boing Boing posted this video of a Greek v. Armenian monk smackdown in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre:


According to the BBC:

Dressed in the vestments of the Greek Orthodox and Armenian denominations, rival monks threw punches and anything they could lay their hands on.

The Greeks blamed the Armenians for not recognising their rights inside the holy site, while the Armenians said the Greeks had violated one of their traditional ceremonies.

Personally, I find
who-would-win-in-a-fight-between-Superman-and-Spiderman speculation far more useful.  Alas, folks like these monks prefer the live-action version of that argument.

(I do admit to wondering, though, what would have happened if some Turkish Orthodox monks were rolling by when this went down.)