(Completely earned, though. Good to have such a clear example that Obama’s okay with some kinds of bigotry.)
(Completely earned, though. Good to have such a clear example that Obama’s okay with some kinds of bigotry.)
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No shit, Rick Warren of Saddleback Church? We sold product to that place, too.
We’re an equal opportunity vendor. We take money from anybody. Ha.
Might as well have dug up Jimmy Falwell, as far as I’m concerned. Popular Virginia opinion to the contrary aside, being polite in your hate doesn’t make you any less hateful.
Vivian J. Paige
When I read stuff like this, I am reminded of all of the appeasers who have come before us. And we know what appeasement gets us: nothing.
There’s always someone who will make apologies for the unsupportable. The response, I think, is to show those apologies for the embarrassingly inappropriate and absurdly offered things they are.