Politics, open government, and safe streets. And the constant incursion of cycling.


Thanks, Prop 8 voters:

The sponsors of Proposition 8 asked the California Supreme Court on Friday to nullify the marriages of the estimated 18,000 same-sex couples who exchanged vows before voters approved the ballot initiative that outlawed gay unions.

The Yes on 8 campaign filed a brief arguing that because the new law holds that only marriages between a man and a woman are recognized or valid in California, the state can no longer recognize the existing same-sex unions.

Perhaps it’s time to get personal with these people.


Weekend Music: Bend Me, Shape Me Edition


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  1. Hateful? I do not think so. If the sponsors of Proposition 8 did not ask for those same-sex marriages to be overturned, what would be the point of Proposition 8? Now that would be hateful. It would mean they did not believe in what they are doing.

    Instead of belaboring the fact that these people are hateful, why don’t you concentrate on understanding their point-of-view and demonstrating the validity of your own position?

    When two people of the opposite sex join their lives together, their children need the security of marriage. When two people of the same sex have sex, is there really such an issue?

    Those who want a liberal (using the word as it use to be used) society prefer as few laws a possible. Unneeded laws are for busybodies.

    Don’t laws appropriately exist only to protect our rights? Whose rights are protected by same-sex marriages? What is the need to force everyone to acknowledge the supposed sanctity of such unions?

  2. MB

    Tom, I *do* understand their point of view. That’s why I’m using the word “hateful.”

    Further, I don’t think I need to demonstrate the validity of my own position. I think someone, somewhere, once noted that some truths are self-evident.

    And unneeded laws are for busybodies, indeed. I would invite you, and the rest of the Prop 8 crowd, to consider that for a bit.

    Finally, no one is forcing you to acknowledge anything. You can go on living in your little world, and the rest of us can go on living in ours. The only thing you’ve lost is the weight of the government in forcing your bigoted beliefs upon others.

  3. Self evident? LOL!

    Perhaps that is the problem. I have had trouble understanding the need for this debate. It seems that something that use to be self evident no longer is so self evident. I suspect that has something to do with the fact people have fewer children these days.

  4. MB

    That you have trouble understanding the self-evident nature of the equality of people says more about you than I ever could, Tom. In the end, you know you’re going to lose this. Unfortunately, that does little to mitigate the damage that’s being done right now.

  5. Joy

    Hmm. My wife and I managed to somehow conceive and have one daughter, and have a second on the way. All without sex! I guess our children don’t need or deserve the legal protection of two parents.

    I just love the blinders people put on – no no, gay and lesbian couples don’t have children.

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