Looks like Vice President Joe Biden will be coming to Virginia for a bit of politicking. I did recently get an invite for a reception with him and Creigh Deeds, for the low low price of $1000 per person. Pass, thanks. In any event, I wonder how well Biden will translate for VA politics. Personally? I like the guy. Yes, he’s a little full of himself, but he doesn’t suffer fools gladly. He’s also pretty goddamn smart. And those, of course, are two strikes against any politician in Virginia.
James Young
“he’s a little full of himself, but he doesn’t suffer fools gladly.”
What an amazingly self-contradictory observation. If the latter were true, he’d be full of self-loathing.
I did find his idea to split Iraq into 3 parts to be a good idea. not sure how else you’re gonna have peace among people who hate each other. of course it won’t happen due to oil politics