Politics, open government, and safe streets. And the constant incursion of cycling.

Anthony Bourdain on Travel

I’ve been thinking a bit about travel, lately, and why it’s so important to me.  Anthony Bourdain and I share some common ideas on that, it seems:

(picked up from Esme Vos’ blog)


Taking Fox For What It Is


A Year in Travel


  1. I count travel as the richest form of education; it is a real mind opener. When I interviewed candidates as a hiring manager, I’d ask if the candidate had travelled, and counted travel to foreign countries as far richer and more job useful than specific training for the job we were hiring for. It worked very well as a hiring policy; and retention and moral were both very high for a long time.

  2. Peej

    While I fully appreciate the sentiment of travel as a rich form of education, I don’t think it is the richest form. Putting aside for the moment the fact that not everyone has luxury of time or money or circumstance to travel, there are many people who *do* travel, quite frequently and widely, and they’re among some of the most insular people I’ve met. Like anything else, it’s an experience that teaches you only as much as you are willing to learn from it, and certainly not a guaranteed path to being the mind opener that it can be.

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